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Spring's life defies conventional expectations. Raised in a home that didn't align with traditional Christian values, her journey took a radical turn in 2000. Previously caught in the grip of promiscuity, substance abuse, alcoholism, and overwhelming darkness as a single mother, she experienced a profound transformation through the boundless love of God. Liberated from her past, Spring shares her story with every opportunity knowing that what God has done for one He will do for another!


Throughout her journey, Spring has been involved in diverse endeavors, such as church planting, team building, leadership development, administration, teaching, and engaging in community outreach. Prayer has been a constant companion and lifeline! Spring is also committed to  responding to the call to the nations, ministering in 5 countries and 41 states she continues to have a heart posture of "Here I am Lord, Send Me!"


Spring's multifaceted roles include being an apostle, intercessor, administrator, author, mother, Jajja (meaning grandmother), and above all, a cherished daughter of The King. Her primary passion lies in seeing others embrace their true identities and walk in the fullness of who they were created to be. Driven by an unrelenting thirst for prayer and a deep compassion for the lost, she refuses to remain silent until everyone has an opportunity to encounter the transformative power of God. Through her prophetic gifting, Spring effortlessly draws others into the presence of the Father with a heart of worship.


In her unwavering conviction, Spring firmly believes that love always triumphs and that the Truth experienced by one individual has the potential to illuminate the world at large.

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